Thursday, June 11, 2015

Women should always drinking red wine

    The latest scientific research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Palestinians found that drinking a glass of red wine, can reduce cholesterol accumulation caused by eating red meat (mainly beef and mutton) or dark meat (mainly poultry leg, etc.). After analysis, the scientists found that “polyphenol” is the antioxidant in the red win, which can prevent the human     gastrointestinal absorb some cholesterol in meat, thus these harmful substances in the meat will not enter the bloodstream, and therefore it can’t form a hazard. Professor Cohen of the Hebrew University Institute of Drug pointed out that this discovery may explain why red wine has long been considered to help reduce the risk of heart disease.
    Red wine helps digestion. Wine can stimulate gastric acid secretion of gastric juice, every 60-100 grams can increase the secretion if gastric juice 120 milliliters. Wine contain tannins, which can increase the contraction of smooth muscle fiber in intestinal muscle systems, adjust the colon and it also have a certain effect on colitis. Sweet white wine have high content of sorbitol, tartaric acid, potassium sulfate and potassium, which has a diuretic effect, thus prevent constipation and kidney stones.

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