Thursday, May 21, 2015

Eating a kiwi fruit after the high-calorie food

Every time we have a party, we would eat lots of high-calorie foods. We always have no immunity when facing the delicious food, but we also regret after eating, cause we feel bloating. What should we do about it? Healthy Diet experts point out that we should eat a kiwi fruit after the high-calorie foods.
Healthy diet experts pointed that eating a kiwi fruit after the high-calorie foods can solve the oily solution. Because the actinidine which is unique in kiwi fruit can accelerate the digestion, and make the protein is more easily absorbed.
After eating a kiwi fruit, the pepsin digestion ability will increase, which could also speed up the protein absorption rate in the small intestine, so that the levels of using or protein can get the enhancing overall. While the reason of this positive change, is derived from a special kind of a naturally occurring enzyme in kiwi fruit, which called actinidine, it can make the protein get faster and more complete absorption.
Even without the function of digestion enzymes, the actinidine has a good ability to digest for some protein in the food, such as red meat, yogurt, cheese, tuna and eggs. Therefore, this study suggested that after having the food which are rich in protein, we’d better eat some kiwi fruits, which is an effective measure to protect our stomach.
Eat fruits can play a helpful role for indigestion, especially the elderly after eating high amounts of dairy or beef burgers, eat kiwi fruit can be helpful for indigestion.

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