Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Which foods are beneficial for liver?

1.       Purple onions
Onions contain a variety of sulfur compounds, which can inhibit platelet aggregation, help blood flow smoothly, and eliminate free radicals. Mercaptan, propylene sulfide and other ingredients in onion can reduce blood lipids, increase the body's "good" cholesterol (HDL), and prevent atherosclerosis. More importantly, these active ingredients in onion can promote fat metabolism, and prevent fatty liver.
2.       Garlic
Several studies have confirmed that allicin can maintain macrophage activity, increase ability to kill bacteria and promote lymphocyte proliferation, and avoid the accumulation of abdominal fat, while enhancing liver detoxification enzymes.
3.       Lemon
Japan's Mie University researchers found that lemon may contain an ingredient capable of preventing fatty liver, and prevent the fat accumulation in liver cells of human body. In addition, lemon can also help detoxify, and clean the liver by promoting bile production, as well as help to control excess bile, reduce the production of harmful mucus, and help to dissolve gallstones.

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